Expressions for cron job in every 55 seconds

You can also create expression for other values by making changes in input box below

Every 55 seconds

The cron expression is made of five fields. Each field can have the following values.
* * * * * *
minute (0-59) second (0 - 59) hour (0 - 23) day of the month (1 - 31) month (1 - 12) day of the week (0 - 6)

Here are some example for you.
Cron expression Schedule
* * * * * Every minute
* * * * * * Every second
0 * * * * Every hour
0 0 * * * At 12:00 AM
0 0 * * FRI At 12:00 AM, only on Friday
0 0 1 * * At 12:00 AM, on day 1 of the month
0 23 ? * MON-FRI At 11:00 PM, Monday through Friday
* * * 6-8 * Every minute, July through September
23 12 * * SUN#2 At 12:23 PM, on the second Sunday of the month
0 0 1 */3 * At 12:00 AM, on day 1 of the month, every 3 months

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